Untitled (H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden)
Mikael Askergren © 2000
C-print, h. 200 cm, w. 150 cm, Stockholm Art Fair, March 9–12, 2000. Courtesy of Galleri Axel Mörner, Stockholm, Sweden.
Mikael Askergren’s Untitled (H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden) was first exhibited by Galleri Axel Mörner at Stockholm Art Fair 2000. The indeed very flattering portrait was appropriated by Mikael Askergren from the continuous flow of pictures in the media. There are flaws in the anonymous photographer’s technique and sense of form, but Mikael Askergren has chosen to instead of its flaws emphasize the symmetry and striking monumentality of the picture’s composition, by giving his version of the appropriated portrait monumental dimensions, and by arranging the whole of Galleri Axel Mörner’s art fair exhibition in symmetry around her image.
More by Mikael Askergren about the institution of monarchy in general—and the crown princess Victoria in particular:
Monarchy Rules
Monarchy Rules