A Palladian Villa
Mikael Askergren © 1985
Mikael Askergren’s contribution to the 1985 Scandinavian architecture student competition Palladio i Norden (
Palladio in Scandinavia), awarded first prize.

Competition brief: an affordable detached house for an unspecified site, suitable for mass production and/or prefabrication, inspired in one way or the other by the famous villas of Italian 16th century architect Andrea Palladio.
Published in the Swedish Review of Architecture Arkitektur, Stockholm, Sweden, 8-1985.
Also published in Palladio Idag (
Palladio Today), edited by Christer Ekelund / Staffan Nordlund / Mats Widbom, Liber Förlag, Stockholm, Sweden, 1985.